King of endless worth, no one could express, how much You deserve.
Though I'm weak and poor, and all I have is Yours; every single breath.
I'll bring You more than a song, for a song in itself, is not what you have required.
You search much deeper within, through the way things appear...You're looking into my heart.
It's all about You, its ALL about You, Jesus!
Over the past few weeks, I have been reminded of the greatness of our God. He really is the ONLY reason I am here. He has my life already planned out for me. He knows exactly when my last breath will be. Life is short. Am I really serving Him because I LOVE Him that much? Or am I only doing it because I know it's a requirement to live with Him in eternity. He knows my heart. He sees so much deeper than the surface. He demands my life, my soul, my all!
Those are just a few scatterbrained thoughts...but I guess that's what happens when you are trying to quick finish up an update that you started about a month ago and simply are not getting around to posting it! =) Life has been very crazy, like usual, so before I hit the two month mark between ya go! It is quite the conglomeration of photos, so I will apologize in advance if I bore any of you.
During the last week of the 2nd Trimester, 1st grade was relocated. Ever since the beginning of the year, my classroom was in a little house beside the church building. It was a big change for the better, and was well worth all the chaos!
I went from this....(standing in my doorway)
(standing at the back of the room)
To this! =) It's so nice to actually have some walking room.
Also since this Trimester started, I have one less student.
Though I'm weak and poor, and all I have is Yours; every single breath.
I'll bring You more than a song, for a song in itself, is not what you have required.
You search much deeper within, through the way things appear...You're looking into my heart.
It's all about You, its ALL about You, Jesus!
Over the past few weeks, I have been reminded of the greatness of our God. He really is the ONLY reason I am here. He has my life already planned out for me. He knows exactly when my last breath will be. Life is short. Am I really serving Him because I LOVE Him that much? Or am I only doing it because I know it's a requirement to live with Him in eternity. He knows my heart. He sees so much deeper than the surface. He demands my life, my soul, my all!
Those are just a few scatterbrained thoughts...but I guess that's what happens when you are trying to quick finish up an update that you started about a month ago and simply are not getting around to posting it! =) Life has been very crazy, like usual, so before I hit the two month mark between ya go! It is quite the conglomeration of photos, so I will apologize in advance if I bore any of you.
During the last week of the 2nd Trimester, 1st grade was relocated. Ever since the beginning of the year, my classroom was in a little house beside the church building. It was a big change for the better, and was well worth all the chaos!
I went from this....(standing in my doorway)
(standing at the back of the room)
To this! =) It's so nice to actually have some walking room.
Also since this Trimester started, I have one less student.
Jamal has been through a lot over the past half year, and has fallen farther and farther behind. He is planning on repeating 1st grade again next year, so to help him get more of a solid foundation, we decided to have him join kindergarten for the last Trimester.
We ended the last trimester with "Kite Day". It's pretty much what it sounds like...we took all 38 students out to St. Davids point and flew kites.
Jaden, a little kindergartner, flying his kite like a pro.
As you can see, everyone picked a small corner and flew their own kite. But all just a bit too close together. Henceforth, this is what we teachers did...
Dant da da da! Untangle kite thread....
Try fixing busted kites....
Comfort those who lost their kites to the ocean below....
Some just chose to sit in the bushes and have a snack party!
The first week of Easter break, Faith Mennonite High School came down to help us with VBS. These are the 5 lovely ladies we hosted at our house.
Just me and my awesome sisters
These people make everything so much better. I am blessed to serve with such awesome staff.
Becky...This cutie takes the place of my "little sister" while I am away from home.
The first week of Easter break, Faith Mennonite High School came down to help us with VBS. These are the 5 lovely ladies we hosted at our house.
Just me and my awesome sisters
These people make everything so much better. I am blessed to serve with such awesome staff.
Becky...This cutie takes the place of my "little sister" while I am away from home.
My group of age 10-11 girls that I had for the week of Bible School.
Craft Station was a highlight...
finger painting...
Snack time...
Lesson reinforcement Station...
Singing and Bible memory station...
Our prayers were answered and the week of VBS went very well. We had a wonderful turnout....around 130 children each day. The FMH highschoolers did a great job of running the stations, and the children loved it!
The time finally came for me to board a plane and fly home for my brothers wedding. I just made one small stop before that! ;) (well, more like 3) I left MBIA in Grenada around 8:30 P.M., April 18th. Two delayed flights, a missed flight, entering 3 different countries, and 17 hours later, I arrived in Toronto, Ontario. My boyfriend and his brother picked me up and we went to surprise a few of my friends.
That evening, I went on my first date with this incredible guy! For those of you who do not know yet, his name is Greg Bauman. It was a wonderful evening....I feel so blessed.
Got to spend some time with this amazing lady before she gets married. It was wonderful, especially with a Timmies French Vanilla in hand!

Yes, I did spend a lot of my time bundled up. =)
With the little sister at McDonalds. Who would have ever thought you would miss such a place?!... but you do!
Shooting baskets with the brothers.....
Spending time with my wonderful cousin. We appreciate random rotten tree stumps!
Spent a night with the Rotelle family....
Was so good to be all together again!
Spent a morning with these two...enjoying a good cup of Starbucks.
And also feeding the goats! lol Go Kris!
Reunited with Kayla dear....
Do I know how to do this anymore?! Absolutely! Felt so good to cruise around...even if it was in the old "puddle jumper", as it were.
And of course, I spent a lot of time helping with wedding prep.
Setting up tables for 430 people can be quite a challenge.'re the one who chose this! lol
Beth (Rachelles sister) and Megan washing the china.
The bride is still smiling!
Ainhize (our exchange student from 2 summers ago), Victoria, Beth, and Megan
This took some time...
Stir those potatoes, Crystal!
Are we almost finished?!
Florists doing their thing
Brandon shining up the of the most important things about the wedding!;)
Rehearsal dinner
My wonderful parents on the morning of the wedding.
Lexi and her little program attendant friend =)
The Happy couple.
This guy made the day so much better!
Sunday lunch with my family and friends
Sunday afternoon with these awesome ladies.
And I'm headed back to my island home! =)
We had off school for May Day, the first day of May. We took a little church outing.
Amanda with our two youth girls, Shivani, and Rennisha.
Hiking out to the end of the point
Rennisha and Natalie
Trying to protect these energetic little four year olds.
One night we traveled a good hour to the top of the island to watch these huge leather back turtles lay their eggs. We were not able to use flash photography while out on the beach, so I took a photo of the demo, to give you an idea on the size of these sea creatures. It was simply amazing! We sat in the darkness for about 45 minutes to an hour, waiting for a turtle. Finally the researchers led us down the beach a ways an we got to watch the whole process. We serve an amazing Creator!

The Month of May started out with a lot of we celebrated! =)
Katrina turned 35...
We had them over for Sunday lunch and a little party.
To celebrate Katrina and my birthday, we had ladies night out. First we hiked a hill by the ocean, and watched the sunset.
Craft Station was a highlight...
finger painting...
Snack time...
Lesson reinforcement Station...
Singing and Bible memory station...
Our prayers were answered and the week of VBS went very well. We had a wonderful turnout....around 130 children each day. The FMH highschoolers did a great job of running the stations, and the children loved it!
The time finally came for me to board a plane and fly home for my brothers wedding. I just made one small stop before that! ;) (well, more like 3) I left MBIA in Grenada around 8:30 P.M., April 18th. Two delayed flights, a missed flight, entering 3 different countries, and 17 hours later, I arrived in Toronto, Ontario. My boyfriend and his brother picked me up and we went to surprise a few of my friends.
That evening, I went on my first date with this incredible guy! For those of you who do not know yet, his name is Greg Bauman. It was a wonderful evening....I feel so blessed.
Got to spend some time with this amazing lady before she gets married. It was wonderful, especially with a Timmies French Vanilla in hand!
Sunday afternoon in Ontario enjoying the "warm sunshine". That is what they thought.
I was warmly welcomed home. It felt kind of strange, but also felt sooo good. There was a large stack of Birthday cards waiting for me as well. Thank-you all so much!
With the little sister at McDonalds. Who would have ever thought you would miss such a place?!... but you do!
Shooting baskets with the brothers.....
Spending time with my wonderful cousin. We appreciate random rotten tree stumps!
Spent a night with the Rotelle family....
Was so good to be all together again!
Spent a morning with these two...enjoying a good cup of Starbucks.
And also feeding the goats! lol Go Kris!
Reunited with Kayla dear....
Do I know how to do this anymore?! Absolutely! Felt so good to cruise around...even if it was in the old "puddle jumper", as it were.
And of course, I spent a lot of time helping with wedding prep.
Setting up tables for 430 people can be quite a challenge.'re the one who chose this! lol
Beth (Rachelles sister) and Megan washing the china.
The bride is still smiling!
Ainhize (our exchange student from 2 summers ago), Victoria, Beth, and Megan
This took some time...
The twin brothers trying to help as well.
Are we almost finished?!
Florists doing their thing
Brandon shining up the of the most important things about the wedding!;)
Rehearsal dinner
Lexi and her little program attendant friend =)
The Happy couple.
This guy made the day so much better!
Sunday lunch with my family and friends
Sunday afternoon with these awesome ladies.
And I'm headed back to my island home! =)
We had off school for May Day, the first day of May. We took a little church outing.
Amanda with our two youth girls, Shivani, and Rennisha.
Hiking out to the end of the point
Rennisha and Natalie
Trying to protect these energetic little four year olds.
One night we traveled a good hour to the top of the island to watch these huge leather back turtles lay their eggs. We were not able to use flash photography while out on the beach, so I took a photo of the demo, to give you an idea on the size of these sea creatures. It was simply amazing! We sat in the darkness for about 45 minutes to an hour, waiting for a turtle. Finally the researchers led us down the beach a ways an we got to watch the whole process. We serve an amazing Creator!
A Saturday night staff meeting in the bush.
The Month of May started out with a lot of we celebrated! =)
Katrina turned 35...
Shivani turned 17, I turned 20, and Rennisha turned 21...
We had them over for Sunday lunch and a little party.
To celebrate Katrina and my birthday, we had ladies night out. First we hiked a hill by the ocean, and watched the sunset.
Then we ate supper at Port Loui....a nice restaurant by the water. We got these cool birthday platters with a yummy slice of coconut cake.
On my birthday, I took my students down the road for an ice-cream treat.
Mother's Day art projects...
Ginger and her children on Mothers Day
Caleb turned 10!
Our wonderful Pastor and his wife on their anniversary.
Stopped in the middle of my morning run to capture this photo. Just one of the benefits of rising early! =) Yes mom, those words just DID come out of my mouth.
Live each day to the fullest. We don't know when it will be our last! Have a super week!